ATEC’s Animation Lab provides an opportunity for students to take part in a simulated animation studio experience, where a crew of 40 students work over the course of two semesters in assigned roles to write, design, and produced a two-minute CG animated short film. Although faculty provides the schedule and pipeline structure, students drive the content and daily production themselves. By working in this innovative environment, the students gain a wealth of experience in creative problem solving, people management, and collaboration.
2024 - Directed by Sean McComber
When an upbeat circle starts a new adventure in the big city, he feels pressured to fit in with his new surroundings. Will his positive nature be stifled, or will he bring a needed change to this rigid city?
Red hat Ringo
2023 - Directed by Casey Johnson and Peter McCord
An old bank teller recounts stories of the terrifying cowboy Red Hat Ringo’s past adventures. Join us for an exciting night full of western adventures!
Bad Timing
2022 - Directed by Monika Salter and Peter McCord
Bad Timing is a story about villains and the world of evil. You are cordially invited to this years Evil-Con hosted by Lord Venomous. Join us for a night full of terror and villainy.
Octo Ninja
2021 - Directed by Monika Salter and Peter McCord
Octo Ninja is a ridiculous ninja comedy following our 8-legged ninja hero as he battles his way to the final confrontation with his squidy arch nemesis.
2020 - Directed by Nicole Solis & Co-Directed by Al Fontanilla
Night Shift is an animated short about a curious little girl as she awaits the presence of someone in the midst of the night, before she is whisked away for a magical night of play.
2019 - Directed by Joshua Slezak
Stargazer is a sci-fi action animated short about two sisters flying their father’s vehicle, the Stargazer, in an attempt to escape the rule of an oppressive robotic alien regime.
2018 - Directed by Annie Fisher & Rachel Killingsworth
In a world of circular turmoil, a bubble finds itself ostracized by its peers. Their judgmental glares cause the bubble’s seemingly hard exterior to explode in a fit of anxiety and panic, bringing its inner demons to the surface.
Procrastination 101
2018 - Directed by Heidi Nuenhoffer
Like most students, Zugern has a tendency to put off her homework until the last minute. Unfortunately for us Earthlings, a lot more is at stake than a simple letter grade.
2016 - Project Coordinators - Cameron Ayres, Nick Mikesell, & Gabby Polanco
A wealthy city slicker hell bent on winning a fortune is duped out of his own by a simple country bumpkin and his “friends”.
Terminal B
2015 - Directed by Peter Dang
Just another routine day directing traffic on the tarmac. That is until a pesky bee literally upends everything.
2015 - Directed by Asya Mantey
Ever think about kicking that old quarter-thieving claw game? You probably shouldn’t.
2014 - Project Coordinators - Eli Britton, Adam Nusrallah, & Dan Trinh
A hungry chameleon sets its eyes on an elusive arrogant fly. Too bad arrogance always catches up with you.
A small boy’s imagination gets the better of him when spooky shadows threaten bed time.